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Rugged Tablet Supplier India


Business Layout Pack

High range rfid reader’s classification

1. Low frequency RFID handset. Low frequency RFID handset supports RFID reading and writing in 125k ~ 134.2k frequency band.

2. High frequency RFID handset. The supported frequency band is 13.56MHz, and the standard card of yx9183a high-frequency handset can read 20cm.

3. Handheld RFID.

Long distance rfid reader’s application

1. IC card management of government functional departments (driver, motor vehicle, operation certificate, tour guide certificate, work license of construction industry, health certificate of service industry, family planning, individual industry and commerce, technical supervision, industry qualification, urban management, etc.);

2. Application fields of all-in-one card (campus, hotel, government, enterprises and institutions, property community, shopping mall, bus, urban citizen all-in-one card, etc.);

3. Expressway network toll collection;

4. IC card chain refueling of gas station;

5. Logistics distribution (postal service, etc.);

6. (III) meter reading;

7. Mobile meal selling, attendance and access control;

8. Patrol / patrol inspection;

9. Membership chain consumption;

10. Management of students’ physical fitness test, IC card management of children’s vaccination, and IC card data collection of exhibition visitors;

11. Tobacco monopoly management.
